Pointed cabbage – easy and delicious to prepare

Pointed cabbage - easy and delicious to prepare

Pointed cabbage, the forgotten vitamin C supplier. Pointed cabbage or also known as pointed cabbage is a type of cabbage related to white cabbage. The taste is much finer compared to white cabbage. As an early cabbage variety, it is already commercially available in spring. If it is harvested later, it is called summer cabbage. Unfortunately, the cultivation of pointed cabbage in Germany is declining, since the normal, round white cabbage has higher yields and its round heads make it easier to harvest and process mechanically.

When preparing pointed cabbage, you should avoid cooking it for too long, otherwise the vegetable will lose its delicate taste. Incidentally, pointed cabbage can be processed like savoy cabbage or white cabbage. It is also wonderfully suitable for salads, stews and, of course, simply as a raw vegetable. By the way, there is also sauerkraut made from pointed cabbage, but only a few manufacturers offer it in stores.

Table of contents:

Quick pointed cabbage pan with bacon

Quick pointed cabbage pan with bacon


1 pointed cabbage (approx. 500 g)
100 g bacon
250 g carrots
400 g potatoes
50 g grated cheese
olive oil

For 3-4 people it is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. Heat the olive oil in a sufficiently large pan and fry the finely chopped bacon until crispy. Take the bacon out of the pan. Now dice or slice potatoes, carrots and fry in hot bacon fat for about 8 minutes.

Now clean the pointed cabbage, quarter it and cut it into rough strips. Add to the pan with the potatoes and carrots and fry for another 5 minutes. Stir occasionally. Now you can spread the grated cheese over it and let it melt nicely. Mix the chopped parsley with the bacon and pour over the pointed cabbage pan. If you like, you can also put some farfalle noodles under the pointed cabbage pan. Bon appetite.

In short – in a good 30 minutes you have a delicious pointed cabbage pan with bacon on the table.

Borscht with oxtail and pointed cabbage

Borscht with pointed cabbage


400 g oxtail
1 beetroot
2 carrots
200 g pointed cabbage
2 tomatoes
2 onion
2 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp. Vinegar
1 tbsp. Sugar
2 bay leaves
4 tsp sour cream

Prepare for 2 people as follows: Place the washed oxtail in boiling water, boil vigorously for 3 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer on a low flame for 2 hours. After this time, remove the meat. The oxtail is done when the meat separates easily from the bones. Pass the broth through a sieve.

Dice the beetroot, carrot and onion and cut the pointed cabbage into thin strips. Now stew everything in butter, add about 100 ml broth and simmer for 10 minutes. 1 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. Add sugar, bay leaves, add the remaining broth and cook for about 30 minutes. Skin the tomatoes (briefly scald them with hot water beforehand) and cut into small pieces. Now add the tomatoes to the soup with salt and pepper. Cut the oxtail into small pieces and also add to the soup. Place borscht in deep plates and top with 1 tbsp. fill with sour cream.

Pointed cabbage – a good source of vitamin C

Like all types of cabbage, pointed cabbage also has a high ascorbic acid content. Vitamin C develops from ascorbigen when cooking. Pointed cabbage therefore has a particularly large amount of vitamin C. With 100 g, you absorb around 60,000 µg of the vitamin.

How long can you store pointed cabbage?

You should always prepare pointed cabbage fresh if possible. Wrapped in a damp cloth, it can be stored in the lower vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Freeze pointed cabbage? Of course it works!

If you have leftover cabbage and don’t want to eat it fresh, you should blanch it briefly before freezing. In this way, pointed cabbage does not become mushy after defrosting.

How do you blanch pointed cabbage?

Soak whole (or cut) pointed cabbage leaves in slightly boiling salted water for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the pot with a slotted spoon, rinse under really cold water and drain and freeze.

Pointed cabbage – easy and delicious to prepare in German

You can find this article in German at www.rolfkocht.de as “Spitzkohl – einfach und lecker zubereiten”

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